Prof Lee Will Deliver A Keynote Speech at 2025 IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management
We are excited to announce that Prof. Jay Lee will present a keynote speech titled "Recent Advances in Industrial AI Augmented Predictive Metrology and Large Knowledge Models for Resilient Industrial Systems" at the 2025 IEEE PHM Conference.
📍 Location: Denver, CO
📅 Dates: June 9-11, 2025
Abstract: This presentation will introduce the trends and recent advances of Industrial AI for improved resilience of complex and highly connected industrial systems. First, trends of data-centric industrial systems and unmet needs of productivity are introduced. Next, some recent advances of industrial AI and non-traditional machine learning including topological data analytics, stream-of-quality (SoQ) based data analytics, similarity-based machine learning, domain adaptation and transfer learning, etc. for highly connected and complex industrial systems will be introduced with some examples including electronics manufacturing, semiconductor manufacturing, EVs, etc. Furthermore, the development of Industrial Large Knowledge Model for enhanced data-centric engineering education will be discussed. Finally, we will address the training industrial AI skills through data foundry for future workforce and talents.
For more details on the program, visit: